Year end Review: Why you should do one!

Although we are already a week into the new year its still not too late to conduct a year end review if you haven’t already done one.

Why is a year end review so important?

⭐️ You can create a path towards your goals easier when you know exactly where you’re starting from
⭐️ You will better understand your strengths and weaknesses
⭐️ This understanding allows you to set more meaningful and relevant goals
⭐️ Highlighting your weaknesses allows you to find ways on a daily basis where you can take intentional actions (however small) towards improvement in that area
⭐️ Highlighting your strengths builds self-confidence and allows you to find ways on a daily basis where you can take intentional actions to get even better in those areas
⭐️ Tracking and celebrating your accomplishments beget more accomplishments to celebrate

I hope I’ve sold you on the idea of a year end review, and to get you started I’ve included some thought provoking questions to get you started. Feel free to add your own questions in there as well.

Let’s make 2023 an epic year! 💪🏾❤️

What was the most important lesson you learned in 2022?
What are you most proud of in 2022?
What was a challenge you overcame in 2022?
What are you most grateful for in 2022?
Where did you fail in 2022 and how can you improve in that area for next year?
How will you take care of yourself in 2023?
What will you say “no” to in 2023?
What qualities do you want to develop in 2023?
What advice would future you (the you that has already achieved all of your dreams) give current you?
What is one goal you would like to achieve in 2023?

#EndOfYearReview #EndOfYear #NewYear2023 #Goals


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