About Me

My Story

About me

I can support you in achieving the results you’re looking for. Together we will augue consectetur tellus sagittis enim dolor.

My fitness journey started about 20 years ago when my then football playing boyfriend introduced me to the gym.  

Needless to say the relationship didn’t work with me and the guy, but two decades later I can say that my relationship with fitness has clearly stood the test of time. It has evolved a lot over the years but it has been the one constant in my  life. 

I say fitness instead of health when talking about the early days because to be very honest, while I looked “in shape” I actually had quite a toxic relationship with “health”.  
Sure I didn’t miss that many gym sessions but I was engaging in a lot of negative self talk because I was NEVER satisfied with my body or my results.  I’d also cycle through weeks of going hard at the gym and reducing my calories by a ridiculous amount to counter the binge eating weeks I’d have.

Add to that, spells of depression, and unexplained melancholy, procrastination and self-sabotage on the things that were important to me and it wasn’t hard to see that something was out of whack, and I couldn’t call myself “healthy.”

After three decades of living like this I finally took the initiative to research motivation and willpower as it relates to taking action for a healthier life. Well, a new passion for understanding how our minds work developed.

I began to implement what I was learning and it was like magic began to happen in my life. I realized how we focus too much on willpower and reaching external goals, like looking a certain way or reaching a number on the scale, or completing X number of reps. I also became aware of how we don’t focus enough on habit change, identity change and mindset (internal rewards).

There is nothing wrong with external goals but without the internal work it will be harder to stay the course long term, it will be harder to maintain motivation and it will be harder to truly “enjoy the journey” when your sole focus is on the destination. Once I made the shift, my life began to change.

So I began reading all I could on the subjects of motivation, willpower, habit change, and mindset. I got certified as a: Functional Nutrition Health Coach, Cognitive Behavioural Coach, Rational Emotive Behavioural Coach and Goals Success Coach. I used what I had learned (and continue to learn) from books along with my certifications to upgrade how I live and how I coach with great results.

What’s amazing is the methods I’ve learned work on ANY goal you may have. I am now using the strategies I use on my clients and myself to reach health goals, for growing my coaching business online (something I have had a lot of resistance towards over the past few years), and much more. I am documenting my journey on my blog, for you to see that it really is simple (but not easy) to change your life in so many areas using mindset, nutrition and movement. It is my ultimate passion to help as many people as possible do the same thing.

I’m still a baby on this self-development path, I still face challenges, and while I have my health and fitness game pretty well down pat (even though there will always be room for improvement) I now love using my methods for OTHER areas of my life that have been a challenge, and it’s all without the feeling of overwhelm, negativity and resistance that I once felt in the past.

I’m now 41, living my best life as a health coach in sunny Puerto Vallarta, Mexico using my coaching practice not only to help others upgrade their lives but also to continue to improve myself (because teaching also helps YOU to become better at whatever it is you’re teaching).

So are you ready to join me on “The Path”? Let’s soar together!

Certifications, Degrees, and Experience

My career in health and wellness started about 20 years ago as a passion for fitness. After seeing the transformation of my own body I was hooked!  I became certified as a group and personal trainer and went on to work in gyms in Canada and Germany.

My research in self-development led me to crucial information about how to set up your goals for long term sustainability that is often overlooked in the fitness industry.

This information led me to pursue certifications in functional nutrition, Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBT),  Rational Emotive Behavioural Coaching (REBT) and Goals Success Coaching to round out my skills as a personal trainer which allowed me to take a more holistic approach to health with my clients. 

Functional Nutrition Health Coach

Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition: An internationally recognized certification that dives deep into the profound relationship between lifestyle, functional nutrition, and overall health focusing on the MIND/BODY/SPIRIT approach to health and wellness.

Cognitive Behavioural Coach

Transformation Academy: A curriculum that utilizes the core principles and tools of cognitive behavioural therapy to teach coaches how to help clients in rewiring their minds towards their goals and away from negative self-talk, self-sabotage and inner distractions.

Rational Emotive Behavioural Coach

Transformation Academy: Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy is the foundation of modern psychology and is therefore invaluable knowledge for coaches looking to help their clients direct their thoughts and emotions for their ultimate success, rather than feeling victim and at the mercy of every thought and emotion.

Goals Success Coach

Transformation Academy: A certification program outlining the proven recipe and tools needed for the successful completion of any goal from start to finish.

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