Health Coach

How can you really give your best performance in life and achieve success (whatever that looks like to you) if you aren’t healthy?

What's a Health Coach?

To make health a lifestyle and not just a short term challenge it requires a shift in your identity. The you that got you where you are right now is not the you who will get you to where you want to be.

My passion is learning about our mind-body connection and how the two are deeply interrelated. You can use the body to heal the mind and the mind to heal the body when they are healthy.

I use mindset, nutrition and movement to optimize your health so that you can reach your potential in all areas of your life, which is so much more rewarding, meaningful and sustainable than only worrying about your health as it relates to numbers on a scale or or how toned your arms are.

Simplicity, radical self-acceptance and self-awareness are the foundation of my coaching methods. I want you to really understand what is meant by the expression “It’s about the journey and not the destination”. 

It’s so easy to get caught up in developing your career or taking care of family and totally forgetting about your personal health. Ironically, if you did make health a priority you would also improve in all other areas of your life.

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Do You Need a Health Coach?

If you know that you need to make big changes to avoid suffering grave health consequences, yet you find yourself unable to commit or even get started, then you probably need a health coach.

If you're able to make progress following a diet and exercise routine but find yourself gradually "falling off the wagon" a few months in, then you probably need a health coach.

If you know what is important to you but find yourself self-sabotaging with the same old recurring excuses, procrastination and bad habits, then you probably need a health coach.

How Can I Help You?

I use scientifically backed methods to help you identify limiting beliefs that are causing you to self-sabotage, procrastinate, or feel excessive resistance towards new health endeavours. I will help you clarify your ideal future vision and show you how to set goals so that you can follow through and see continued progress. I will teach you the mindset necessary for long term success, which is often left out of mainstream health and fitness plans.

Experience the Growth Today!

Here is how I can help you as a health coach:

  • Help you to stop getting inconsistent results by getting clear on what your vision, values and goals are
  • Help you maintain the motivation to exercise by creating a custom movement/exercise plan for you
  • Help you learn how to deal with cravings and the desire to binge eat so that you stop sabotaging your efforts
  • Create a custom nutrition plan that is healthful and will help you reach your healthy weight that doesn’t require you to be on a starvation diet
  • Teach you strategies for healthy stress management and how to adopt a health mindset
  • Encourage self-awareness and self-discovery
  • Accountability, follow-ups and life work exercises

How you benefit working with a health coach:

  • Gain the empowering feelings of clarity and groundedness that come from identifying your values, vision and goals
  • Achieve your goals faster and with more enjoyment for the journey and less resistance towards the new habits you want to instill in your life
  • Better time management
  • More energy
  • Improved sleep
  • More creativity
  • Less stress
  • More self-awareness
  • More empathy towards others 
  • Improved relationships with others
  • More fulfillment and joy in life that comes with truly CREATING yourself and your new identity
  • Learn how to approach ANY goal with excitement and curiosity rather than the dread and resistance that keeps you self-sabotaging

I’m not the coach for you if:

  • You’re looking for a quick fix to all your “motivation” problems
  • Your main goal is in regards to outer aesthetics and not true transformation as a person
  • You aren’t ready to do the “inner work” to accompany your “outer work” to get the most out of your efforts
  • You have a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset
  • You have not had at least a passing interest in the concept of self-development

It's Not Your Fault!

The procrastination, self-sabotage, the rollercoaster of results is NOT YOUR FAULT!

Chronically making unhealthy choices is a symptom of something deeper. The reason you’re making poor health choices even though you want your health to be important to you varies from person to person, but without this information it will be difficult for you to see long term change or to even get started.

Today’s current health and fitness models only address the symptoms. They deal with the symptom of weight gain with the latest new diet plan, or the symptom of inactivity with the next fad workout routine. But without dealing with the WHY you got to this point to begin with you have a big chance of reverting to your old habits again. The cycle will never end without the correct approach.

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