Can You Afford NOT to Get A Coach?

What is a Coach?

A coach is someone who guides, instructs and teaches others towards their desired goals. 

There are coaches out there that can help you with anything under the sun. Coaches to teach you how to improve your relationships with others, how to deal with grief or improve your health to name a few.   

Coaching is a powerful component in goal achievement and the fact that the industry only continues to grow is a testament to the important role coaches play in today’s success landscape.

Coaching is empowering because it improves people’s self-awareness, self-leadership and self-confidence.

Yet so many people see coaching as something only for those who are well off or at elite levels in their field, when nothing could be further from the truth.  Coaching is an investment that is worthwhile for anyone regardless of their station in life.  

I understand that for some coaching may legitimately be off the table for financial reasons. However, if you’ve always wanted a coach but have felt you can’t afford it, yet spend hundreds of dollars a month eating out, then that’s more of a priority issue that you want to reconsider considering the potential for life changing value that a coach can bring you.

Also, there are tons of great coaches out there offering affordable services. 

Blawesome a Wellness Community

If you’d like a coach and don’t know where to begin, then I highly recommend you check out Blawesome at  It has been likened to the AirBnB of coaches, where you can use the app to check out the profiles and digital assets of coaches until you find one that resonates with you.  

Blawesome is more than just a place to find a coach though, it’s a community driven by their desire to make a positive impact in the world, bring transformational results to the clients that use Blawesome as well as empowering and encouraging the coaches themselves to their highest potential.  

It’s a space of diversity and authenticity amidst what can often feel more like noise and flashy marketing.  

I know I may be a little biased because I’m part of the Blawesome community offering my coaching in the areas of mindset, nutrition and movement but I don’t expect you to take my word for it, nor am I trying to promote my service on the app in particular.  I encourage you to  download the app and check out all the wonderful coaches with their varied backgrounds for yourself! 

Let 2022 be the year you invest in yourself!

Interview with Jennifer Kruidbos, one of the founders of Blawesome

Check out my interview with one of the founders of Blawesome here.


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