What is Modern Ninja Training?

I’m a 40 year old woman with a kid yet still I wish I was a ninja….does that make me weird? You’re probably saying yes considering our society normalizes adults being burnt out and stressed out but will make adults feel different or immature for having non conventional fantasies and goals.

I’ve always been in awe of the self-mastery displayed by Ninjas and of martial artists in general and as a kid would have loved to be a spy with the skills of a Ninja or Jason Bourne, but now a days I don’t actually want to kill anyone with one quick move, and there is a whole lot of training that goes along with being a Ninja that doesnt really have a place in my life (such as learning invisibility spells). Instead I’ve hand picked certain attributes of the Ninja that I want to emulate in my life to become a better person and that I have dubbed Modern Ninja Training.

Modern simply means relevant to today’s life (my life). I don’t think Ill ever actually reach Ninja status, because to be a Ninja implies you’ve mastered whatever skills you studied, but Ill forever be in Modern Ninja Training, always trying to be at least 1% better than I was before.

Here are my cherry picked attributes of the Ninja that I want to work on daily in my own life as part of my Modern Ninja Training:

Disciplined – Put aside time to do the things that will take me closer to my goals even when I don’t feel like it

Agile, Mobile and Strong – Follow a well rounded training program which addresses all of these elements

Peaceful – Apply de-stressing strategies such as meditation to remain in control of my emotions and to always have sense of happiness and well-being

Knowledgeable – Never stop learning and studying on the topics that interest me and will serve my greater goals

Minimalist – Never sabotaging my happiness over not having STUFF. Finding happiness with the basics

Service – Honestly I don’t think actual Japanese ninjas were of service to others in a helpful way I think they were all just stealthy killing machines, but still this is one something I want to work on as part of my training. I want to help others in whatever I way can!

These are the main things I try to work on daily, and of course there are some days where I might be less than honourable in my Modern Ninja Training but I don’t let it set me back, I always get back up and keep it moving because the game of life is about PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION, but when you at least have a compass to guide you to the person you want to be, already life and decisions become that much easier. Like when you are annoyed that all your friends seem to be taking sweet vacations but you can’t afford to take one, don’t get upset, that is the moment for you to remember you are Ninja in Training and a Ninja doesn’t get upset about not having money for something, they find happiness wherever they are, with whatever they have! They throw themselves into their training even deeper they don’t sit around being upset that someone didn’t like their pics on Instagram. Modern Ninja Training is about figuring out what identity you want to build and then ruthlessly going after it!


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