Raise Your Vibration & Reach Your Goals Faster

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Nikola Tesla

What is meant by the above quote? Basically, that everything is energy and is constantly in motion and vibrating at its own frequency.  When you understand that you, your thoughts, your food, your actions are all energy vibrations then you are one step closer to being able to manipulate your world and reality to create the life you want. 

Life is not about reaching a goal, it’s about becoming the type of person that CAN achieve the goal, which for most will require a shift in energy, in vibration, in frequency. This is done by changing your thoughts, emotions and actions.  This means if you have high vibrating self-development goals of becoming a healthier version of yourself but you are constantly finding excuses for why you can’t eat healthily or why you can’t get some exercise into your day, well that type of low vibration thinking is not really in line with the type of energy required to start and stick to a new lifestyle.  Low vibration thoughts and actions while trying to reach goals that require a person who has a higher vibration = A long time to reach your goals if ever. 

People with a low vibration usually spend a lot of time operating from a place of stress, fear, shame, guilt, anger, jealousy, desire (and not the good desire that motivates you to take action, I mean the bad desire where you are constantly feeling like you don’t have what you want in life and it makes you feel down, or jealous of others).  

People with a high vibration are usually those operating from a place of peace, happiness, gratitude, positivity, acceptance and willingness.  

Opportunity, flow, joy and synchronicity all happen from a high vibrational state, so if you feel like you’re someone who is just “unlucky” in life then its not necessarily luck that is the problem but the fact that you are vibrating at a level that is lower than where all the magic in life happens.  It works from the other side as well, people are not just “lucky” all the time, they vibrate at a level that is congruent with a life filled with abundance.  A high vibration life facilitates achievement in whatever domain you are interested in pursuing so it will serve you well to do things that will raise your vibration as much as possible.  

I will now give you several ways for you to change your energy, which if applied consistently you will begin to see/feel a shift within and outside of yourself.

A bad mood = low vibration.  Keep your spirits high to ensure you are vibing high which you can do by:

  • Spending time in nature – Nature has a high vibration, convening with nature daily (or as much as possible) can improve our mood by raising our vibration.  Engage in a practice called “earthing” which is the act of walking barefoot in nature to better receive the positive electrical energy that nature can bring us.  Earthing helps to improve sleep as well as decrease stress and inflammation. 
  • Spending time with pets – Animals are high vibrational beings for the most part.  Thanks to not having those pesky egos to get in the way of well-being like us humans do.  Pets can raise your vibration and thus your mood.  They are full of love and it makes you want to love them back, love is definitely a high vibration feeling.  An animal can make you feel calmer in stressful situations. There’s no surprise there, peace is a high vibration feeling as well.  
  • Being aware of the people in your environment – Steer clear of negative and toxic people who trigger low vibration emotions within you

What you eat has a direct impact on your health, well-being and mood.  “You are what you eat” is REAL people so if you want to raise your vibration limit the amount of low vibe foods that often leave us feeling lethargic, heavy and brain fogged (all signs of stagnant energy). Here are a few things you can eliminate or consume in moderation:

  • Coffee
  • Soda
  • Meat/fish/poultry (great for meeting protein requirements but a lot of us consume way more than necessary on a daily basis)
  • Canned and packaged/processed foods
  • Deep fried foods
  • Low quality fat
  • Microwaved foods
  • Overcooked fruits and vegetables

Try to eat more high vibration foods that leave you feeling light, nourished and motivated:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Leafy greens
  • Sprouts
  • Food that is raw or lightly steamed
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Grains such as buckwheat, brown rice, amaranth, and spelt
  • Raw honey and maple syrup (it is still sugar after all so eat it in moderation but has more value to your body than artificial sweeteners and white table sugar)

Increase your energy vibration by simply moving more. Energy that is stagnant from lack of movement is low vibration and will effect your thoughts and mood.  The health benefits of movement and exercise should not only be viewed from a context of looking better or losing weight.  Movement improves your entire life in general simply because of the increased oxygen, and blood flow. The improved energy flow will level up your vibration. While I think variety is great and that everyone can benefit best by incorporating a little weight lighting and a little cardio and a little recovery session (yoga or pilates or mobility and stretching) it’s still better to do something rather than nothing at all so find something you like and go for it. Here are some ideas to get you started: 

  • Run
  • Lift weights
  • Dance
  • Parkour
  • Calisthenics
  • Swim
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Etc

Improve your innerworld 
This means being mindful of your own thoughts, emotions and feelings and shifting them whenever you find yourself lurking in low vibration territory (anger, negative self talk, jealousy, depression, sadness).  Our thoughts are also energy and they play a huge role in our sense of wellbeing and the outcomes in our lives.  Here are some ways to improve your inner world to increase your vibration.

  • Be aware of your thoughts You can’t change bad thought patterns if you are not first aware of it when it happens – You can use affirmation to replace negative thoughts 
  • Gratitude – Show gratitude on a daily basis. This emotion is high vibe and the more you practice it the more it becomes second nature.  
  • Show love to those around you. I don’t need to tell you that love is high vibration and like attracts like so spread the love!
  • Forgive others and yourself – Forgiveness is a high vibration feeling and frees up stagnant energy that may be lingering from holding on to grudges
  • Complain less – When you catch yourself complaining  (see the first bullet point) try to replace it with something you’re grateful for (see the second bullet point)
  • Meditate and do Breathwork tohelp you reduce stress, increase sense of wellbeing and mood, help you get over past trauma, improve focus and creativity.  All of this is high vibration stuff. 
  • Get adequate sleep – it’s hard to function properly and ensure that you will make choices that will allow you to vibe high if you’re always exhausted
  • Consume high quality content (music, books, TV)

If you haven’t noticed I’ve basically been talking about what is known as the “Law of Attraction” which, although viewed as a pseudoscience by most there is still countless evidence for the ‘like attracts like’ phenomenon. I say that I think it is not accurate to call it a “Law” though. Phenomenon might be more accurate because it’s not impossible for an unhappy or low vibration person to still be a millionaire and seem to have everything he could ever want in life. Just like its not impossible for a high vibration person to have a difficult life. There is still randomness in this universe of ours where regardless of whether or not you are the most high vibration person on the planet it doesn’t mean you are exempt from tragedy ever happening to you. But being a high vibration person will mean you can deal with tragedy better than the average person and may even be able to turn a tragedy into a triumph better than a low vibration person.  For the most part you can decide the direction of your life (albeit not every single thing that will happen along the way) when you understand that everything is vibration and you use that to your advantage.

Everything in life is vibration.

Albert Einstein


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