Modern Ninja Training Step 5: The Assessment

The process of setting a goal ends with assessing how things went over the chosen period of time, in my case 90 days.  I need to learn what went well, what were my main obstacles and how to avoid them in future to become more efficient and effective and setting and achieving goals. The assessment phase is also the time to decide if there are any goals that I want to change, eliminate or add, and then you start the process all over again. 

I will give you an honest account of what happened during the 90 days of my mission.  Overall I’m very pleased with the results and seeing the results in black and white is very motivating.  This is why it’s important to acknowledge all of your wins no matter how big or small because each acknowledgement stokes the flames of motivation a little bit more and we all know it’s much easier to continue taking action when you feel motivated then when you don’t.

The results are as follows:

I live a life filled with happiness and love.  I’m always improving in the areas of movement and self-development and I feel passion when I have the opportunity to help others to do the same.  I capitalize off of my natural strengths and abilities which allows me to live a life of financial and physical freedom.  

My goal was to read this vision statement of my ideal future everyday to firmly plant the idea into my subconscious, which would in turn help my actions become more instinctively in tune with ideal life.  I would say I recited this affirmation around 30 times (I know )  but I still saw a big difference in right action becoming more automatic.  For example I left my job without so much as a second thought when they put me in the tough spot of choosing between becoming a full time coach with them,  with a raise and benefits but I would have to sign a contract with them OR risk losing my part time hours that I was currently working because he wanted “full time coaches” only who were “committed”.   There was a time I would have taken the security that his offer could have provided me.  But it security is not freedom.  And while I was disappointed that he would essentially threaten one his longest running employees job security with such an offer I also felt like “it’s time.”  If he wants me to sign a contract he must see something there so it was now time for me to see it.  I finally decided to capitalize off of my own natural strengths and abilities to live a life of freedom.   I definitely have more physical freedom because I set up my own schedule, I work from home or cafes or anywhere I have a good wi-fi connection and meet clients face to face at a beautiful studio only about 6-8 hours a week.  I’m happier than I’ve ever been.  My days are busy but it feels rewarding and satisfying, I have variety in my day and get to wear yoga tights 24/7/365.  I couldn’t ask for more.  As for the financial freedom side of things….well I’m still working on that one but I’m making more money than I did when I was working at the gym as an employee so I still consider this one a win in my books.

Now here were the rest of the goals:


Integrative Nutrition Course: GOAL – Complete 12 Quizzes and 1 examReality –  42 Quizzes and 3 exams completed.  I am really pleased with this one! As I exceeded my own expectations.

Acquisition of knowledge on topic of Self Development: GOAL – Read 3 Book on the Subject – Reality – I read The Will Power Instinct, Mastery and Discipline Equals Freedom so expectations were met, I’m very happy with this

Fitness: GOAL –  Maintain 3 minutes in ground locomotion: RealityMission accomplished (do you want proof or do you believe me 😉 )  / GOAL –  10 second handstand achieved consistently: Reality Alas the handstand still eludes me.  I don’t think I will make the handstand the goal anymore, instead I’ll make the practice the goal. I also said I would practice my handstand everyday but I didn’t.  I practiced approx. 3x week. When I tried everyday I had sore wrists which have been prone to injury in past years and makes me back off at the slightest pain GOAL – Maintain squat position for 5 consecutive minutes: Reality – Achieved

Spirituality: GOL – 40 minutes of daily sitting meditation: Reality Failed this one.  I was going stir crazy at 30 minutes so I stayed there and even went back down to 20 minutes when the 90 days was up. I may check out a meditation coach or group to help me progress even though I see amazing benefits at even 20 minutes a day of meditation/ GOAL – 10 minutes of daily visualization: Reality– I visualize a lot throughout the day. With COVID you stand in  lines a lot, it’s a great time to visualize / GOAL – daily gratitude: Reality – The practice of forcing myself to think of things I’m grateful for has finally penetrated my subconscious and is now a habit.  I will spontaneously without effort think about things I’m grateful for throughout my day.

So I was not perfect, but the goal is progress not perfection and progress I definitely made.  The difference in my actions when I have a plan compared to when I don’t is like night and day and I plan to  keep using this 90 days at a time method because it works for me.  Just a few weeks without a plan in place once I finished these 90 days and I was already starting to feel like my life was a bit chaotic and like I was flying by the seat of my pants. So I’m glad to have my next 90 days in place, stay tuned for my next post to see what I will be working on next!


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