Goal Renewal – Never Ending Process

With the recap of my last 90 days of goals complete I’m now ready to start the next 90 days.  I personally work really well with 90 day goals, it’s not too long to feel overwhelmed but long enough to see significant progress in whatever it is I’m working on.  Feel free to go for 60 or 30 days if that seems more manageable for you though. 

I’ve got to be honest, there has been about 90 days between when I finished my last 90 days and started this 90 days and the difference in progress I made with and without a mission to follow is like night and day.  In general I’m still a fairly productive person; I get up at a decent time in the morning, training, studying and working are my top three priorities, and if I miss one of them its because I was doing more of one of the other two, so I’m definitely not a lazy person (although my perfectionist side might argue that).   But I do get much more done in a day when I have a mission plan to follow.  I also feel like my life has more meaning and I feel more peace in my life when I have a planned routine.  Despite having some resistance at times I can honestly say I feel better when I’m being disciplined. 

Another challenge I’ve been working on is managing my workload now that I’m flying solo. I’m working way more than I ever was as a typical employee, so much so that last week I only trained ONCE and didn’t study at all.  My inability to manage my current workload means that I’m falling short every day on other things that I’d like to get done.  So far I’ve chalked this up to just needing to find my “groove” or “sweet spot” but if things continue like this then I may have to re-work my new mission because there’s nothing I hate more than leaving things unchecked in my agenda.  But its okay, the point of being self-aware is knowing when things need to be adjusted. 

So, without further ado here is my new 90 day mission:

Personal Growth:  
Big Picture Goal: Complete Integrative Nutritionist Course / Become an authority in Montreal on the subject of self-development
90 Day Mini Goals: Complete 4 Case Studies in my Integrative Nutritionist Course / Read 3 books or complete 3 courses (or any combination of the two) on the topic of self mastery or self development
Practices: Study at least 20 minutes a day on Nutrition course Monday to Friday and 30 Minutes on Saturday/Read or work on a course for at least 15 minutes a day on the topic of self-development

Big Picture Goal:  To be a successful Health and Life Coach by helping people remove limiting beliefs and combat self-sabotage and put a plan of action in place to help them create a life that is meaningful to them. 
90 Day Mini Goals: Write 12 articles for BBF / Post at least 10 on Medium / Get updated pictures for my website and LinkedIn / Find someone to help me build a “package” / Find a mentor and reach out / Do one speaking engagement / Get business cards made
Practices: Write at least 15 minutes every day / Take one small step towards one of the 90 day mini goals everyday for 5-10 mins a day (e.g.: book photo shoot, research people who are already doing what I want to do and see if mentoring is possible, look for speaking opportunities etc)

Big Picture Goal: Eliminate my debt and live in financial freedom
90 Day Mini Goals:  Make a budget / Raise my financial ceiling / Save $2000
Practices: Set the date on the calendar that I am going to sit down and work on my budget /  Create a plan for paying down CC debt and saving $2000 or more in 90 days /Read on the topic of raising my financial ceiling and begin to apply what I learned

Those are my top 3 priority goals to work on during the next 90 days, but there are some ongoing mastery goals that will always be part of my bigger picture and they are:

Big Picture Goal: To get stronger, more flexible, more mobile, more fluid, more graceful and more complex with my movement and movement sequences. (never ending progress to be made no time limit) 
90 Day Mini Goals:  Achieve a solid handstand /Perform a 3 minute ground flow/Continue to refine muscle up
Practices: Complete a strength training routine at least 3x week /Complete movement, mobility and flexibility training at least 15 minutes a day/Work on my handstand 4x week for at least 5 minutes a day 

Big Picture Goal: Deepen my meditation and visualization practice, practice daily gratitude (never ending progress to be made, no end date)
90 Day Mini Goals: Meditate daily/Visualize for 10 minutes a day/ Start and end each day with things that I am grateful for
Practices: Bring meditation into everyday activities /Daily visualization sessions throughout the day /Practice gratitude daily  

So there you have it! This is my mission plan from September 28th until December 28th.  Which is perfect timing because I’ll be ready for a new set of 90 day goals by January 1st, I’m the type to set goals any time of year but there is still something symbolic about setting new goals to start on January 1st so the timing is really perfect. 

Now that I’ve set my goals all I have to do is read my vision and mission statement regularly to reinforce what I want for my life into my subconscious mind. But my daily focus is not on the end result but on the daily practices.  This way I don’t get caught up in feeling discouraged that I’m not where I want to be now and there is no waiting for motivation to kick in to get things done, it’s just about falling in love with the practice and checking off that daily to do list. When you’re in a good mental place while working on your daily practices the better the results. Compared to begrudgingly working on your practices and hating every step of the way because you just want to “hurry up and reach your goal already” which inevitably lead to times of disappointment and discouragement because your focus is too  much on the destination (a point in the future which you have no control over) rather than keeping your focus on the journey (which is the present moment where you do have control).  I know I’m being corny AF but its all true!  Are you ready to set your goals? No need to wait for January 1st, every day is a great day to begin the process of creating the life you want.


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