Chunk your Goals and Achieve More Faster

The values I need to reinforce the identity I need to follow through on my business goals, as well as the vision I have for my future self is set.  But now I must focus on the how. I need a plan. You know the old saying, fail to plan or plan to fail.

In my big picture future vision I see myself as financially, physically, mentally and emotionally free. I see myself as a successful coach who speaks and writes on the topics I am passionate about.  So I must ask myself, what does a successful coach have that I don’t? With the help of a coach I’ve boiled it down to two obvious things:

  • A Niche
  • A tribe (or followers) who are interested in the topics I write about and that I coach

I already have a method for helping people reach their goals and although my method can work for ANY goal or new habit that a person wants to incorporate in their life, the truth of the matter is people want specificity.  I would actually reach more people if I had a niche.  Soooooo, although I love helping people with different challenges as it allows me to have variety in my coaching I’m going to get a little more precise.

I declare my niche to be: Integrative Health Coach: Helping women get Unstuck from emotional binge eating and self-sabotage that is keeping them from the healthy life they’ve always wanted and deserve.

That part is done and was easy because I knew that once I finished my integrative nutrition course that I wanted to work with people who have issues with emotional eating and other forms of self-sabotage as it is something I have struggled with (and not immune to facing that struggle again if I don’t mind my mindset) in the past.

Next is finding and attracting my tribe.  I had to consult with a business coach on this one, and his main tips to start with were:
Build an email list
Post more consistently on my social media platforms of choice (mine are Facebook and Instagram)

Build an email list means NOTHING to someone who has avoided marketing her whole life. Normally just hearing that (and it already wasn’t the first time) would be enough to turn me off and put it to the back of my mind once more because I wouldn’t even know where to start if someone told me to build an email list. But this time, armed with my values I needed to embody and knowing I needed to upgrade my skillset so that this task wouldn’t seem so overwhelming, I simply asked what building an email list entails.  

Let the chunking begin….

Chunking is the act of breaking a more complex task into more manageable pieces.

If you are constantly focussed on the big picture goal, especially if it involves tasks that are challenging or that you don’t know how to do, you are more likely to get discouraged and experience self-sabotage.

If you break it down and still feel unsure than it means the task can be broken down even more, and sometimes that first step of a task is to GET HELP! If at the simplest step you could think of you still feel unsure than its time to get a coach, hire a specialist, ask someone who has already achieved what you are trying to do or GOOGLE!

And that is how you chunk down a big goal into a more manageable mini goals.

Catch you in my next post to see what comes next!


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